We are now selling our 50/50 tickets for our Annual Fundraiser.
Look for us in the Shopping Centers in New Providence.
1st Prize win up to $3,125.00
2nd Prize win up to $1,875.00
3rd Prize win up to $1,250.00

The New Providence Lions Club is a 501(c)3 organization, giving back to the community 100% of the proceeds raised. Organizations that benefit from our annual support include NP Recreation Dept., Fire Dept., Community Service Assoc., EMS Rescue Squad, Senior Citizens Center, PBA, NPHS Scholarships, NP Historical Society, Health Fair, NP Public Library, Drive for Autism, and many more!
Being a Lion empowers you to help others in a way that no one person could alone.
The Lions are dedicated to helping others. Lions make a difference!
To Donate: Mail check to NP Lions Club, PO Box 854, New Providence, NJ 07974For more information/membership please email info@nplions.org